422 research outputs found

    Dynamics of the Fisher Information Metric

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    We present a method to generate probability distributions that correspond to metrics obeying partial differential equations generated by extremizing a functional J[gμν(θi)]J[g^{\mu\nu}(\theta^i)], where gμν(θi)g^{\mu\nu}(\theta^i) is the Fisher metric. We postulate that this functional of the dynamical variable gμν(θi)g^{\mu\nu}(\theta^i) is stationary with respect to small variations of these variables. Our approach enables a dynamical approach to Fisher information metric. It allows to impose symmetries on a statistical system in a systematic way. This work is mainly motivated by the entropy approach to nonmonotonic reasoning.Comment: 11 page

    Unitarity bounds on low scale quantum gravity

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    We study the unitarity of models with low scale quantum gravity both in four dimensions and in models with a large extra-dimensional volume. We find that models with low scale quantum gravity have problems with unitarity below the scale at which gravity becomes strong. An important consequence of our work is that their first signal at the Large Hadron Collider would not be of a gravitational nature such as graviton emission or small black holes, but rather linked to the mechanism which fixes the unitarity problem. We also study models with scalar fields with non minimal couplings to the Ricci scalar. We consider the strength of gravity in these models and study the consequences for inflation models with non-minimally coupled scalar fields. We show that a single scalar field with a large non-minimal coupling can lower the Planck mass in the TeV region. In that model, it is possible to lower the scale at which gravity becomes strong down to 14 TeV without violating unitarity below that scale.Comment: 15 page

    One-particle inclusive CP asymmetries

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    One-particle inclusive CP asymmetries in the decays of the type B -> D(*) X are considered in the framework of a QCD based method to calculate the rates for one-particle inclusive decays.Comment: Latex, 13 pages, 6 figures (eps). Analytical and numerical results unchanged, extended discussion of model assumptions and systematic uncertainties. Version to be published in Phys. Rev. D 62, 0960xx. Additional transparencies are available via the WWW at http://www-ttp.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/Slides

    The Standard Model on Non-Commutative Space-Time

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    We consider the Standard Model on a non-commutative space and expand the action in the non-commutativity parameter theta. No new particles are introduced, the structure group is SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1). We derive the leading order action. At zeroth order the action coincides with the ordinary Standard Model. At leading order in theta we find new vertices which are absent in the Standard Model on commutative space-time. The most striking features are couplings between quarks, gluons and electroweak bosons and many new vertices in the charged and neutral currents. We find that parity is violated in non-commutative QCD. The Higgs mechanism can be applied. QED is not deformed in the minimal version of the NCSM to the order considered.Comment: 28 pages, v3: typos corrected, new appendix on alternative kinetic terms for gauge bosons; v4: typos correcte

    Unified domains and abstract computational structures

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    Bounds on the nonminimal coupling of the Higgs Boson to gravity

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    We derive the first bound on the value of the Higgs boson nonminimal coupling to the Ricci scalar. We show that the recent discovery of the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN implies that the nonminimal coupling is smaller than 2.6×10^15

    Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking through Mixing

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    We discuss a model, in which the negative mass square needed in the Higgs mechanism is generated by mixing with a heavy scalar. We have two scalar doublets in the standard model. Phenomenological properties of the heavy new scalar are discussed. The heavy scalar can be detected by the LHC.Comment: 4 page

    Cosmological evolution of the Higgs boson's vacuum expectation value

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    We point out that the expansion of the universe leads to a cosmological time evolution of the vacuum expectation of the Higgs boson. Within the standard model of particle physics, the cosmological time evolution of the vacuum expectation of the Higgs leads to a cosmological time evolution of the masses of the fermions and of the electroweak gauge bosons while the scale of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) remains constant. Precise measurements of the cosmological time evolution of u=me/mp, where me and mp are respectively the electron and proton mass (which is essentially determined by the QCD scale), therefore provide a test of the standard models of particle physics and of cosmology. This ratio can be measured using modern atomic clocks

    Comment on triple gauge boson interactions in the non-commutative electroweak sector

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    In this comment we present an analysis of electroweak neutral triple gauge boson couplings projected out of the gauge sector of the extended non-commutative standard model. A brief overview of the current experimental situation is given.Comment: 4 page

    The Standard Model on Non-Commutative Space-Time: Electroweak Currents and Higgs Sector

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    In this article we review the electroweak charged and neutral currents in the Non-Commutative Standard Model (NCSM) and compute the Higgs and Yukawa parts of the NCSM action. With the aim to make the NCSM accessible to phenomenological considerations, all relevant expressions are given in terms of physical fields and Feynman rules are provided.Comment: 33 pages, axodraw.sty; shortened, comments and references added, version to appear in EPJ